Plentiful Plants

Daily eats of a Torontonian student

The Other, Other Red Meat June 6, 2009

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So thins morning I went on an adventure. I finally figured out how to get onto the Don Valley Trail so I followed it up from the Riverdale Park entrance to Taylors Bush Park, then left the expressway behind and crossed the park over to Victoria Park Avenue. Then I took the subway part of the way home, stopping to pick up a few more groceries.

Before leaving I had a quick and delicious breakfast, Crunchy Peanut Butter Clif bar. Can I say YUM? This is a serious rival to Carrot Cake as my favourite Clif flavour, so peanutty.


My very first design project in university was to analyze and design a replacement for this bridge. Oh what I could tell you about the Prince Edward Viaduct….


There were lots of these flowers all along the valley.




And little rapids in some spots.



Giant planters by the DVP.

2009_06_06_giant planter

And creek flowing over the path making a mini waterfall (there was a bridge a few meters away).


When I got home I was hungry for a banana, straight up.


Then I set to work on this week’s BSI recipe, featuring red bell peppers. I started by roasting two smallish red peppers under the broiler for about 10 minutes.


Then peeling them. Beautiful.


Then I made excellent use of the roasty result to make Smoky Roasted Red Pepper Seitan Sausages. However, I was making up the recipe a bit as I was going along, and the final product ended up reminding both me and the roomie of hot dogs (he actually made the suggestion first as they were steaming). So they’ve earned the nick name Devil Dawgs.

The ingredients:

1.5 cups gluten flour
1/4 cup nutritional yeast
2 roasted red peppers (about 2/3 cup)
1 T chili powder
1/2 T cinnamon
1/2 T maple syrup
1/2 T light soy sauce
1/2 t liquid smoke
~8 cloves roasted garlic (aka. all I had left in the fridge)
sprig each of rosemary and thyme

All the ingredients except the gluten and yeast went into a measuring cup, which I then filled up to the 1 cup line with water, then dumped into the blender for a twirl (no, not the cup itself).


Then I combined the gluten and yeast, and added the liquids. And kneaded for a couple of minutes (kneading gluten feels it so fun). I discovered we’re out of aluminum foil, so I used wax paper instead to wrap the dough, which I divided into 8 peices. Some were sausage shaped, some were just patties.

And they took a 30 minute trip to the steamer (aka colander that fits nicely in a large pot with a few inches of boiling water).


The wax paper doesn’t have the tensile strength of aluminum, so most of the sausages burst open as they steamed, and they weren’t wrapped very tightly to begin with, which lead to not-so-pretty shapes, but the seitan was nice and fluffy and delicious 🙂  The sweet peppers and maple with the chili and smoke really does taste like a hot dog, perfect summer recipe! The roomie informed me I would have to teach him how to make it.


For lunch/dinner I had one of the patties in a pita with spinach, mustard, and relish. Along with a pile of carrot and celery sticks, and dollop of bean dip, and a few juicy lychees. The dip was a quick mix of 1.5 C black beans, juice of 1 lemon, a clove of raw garlic, and a spoon of hemp nut butter. A wonderful meal.


Now I need a sleep before taking a midnight hammer to the subway tracks.  Enough with the mammoth posts already!


8 Responses to “The Other, Other Red Meat”

  1. Wow…Those look awesome. I think you’ve it much harder for me to choose this week’s winner. =)

  2. Sharon Says:

    Love all your eats, and those pictures are just stunning! Mmm, I need to try roasted red bell peppers!

  3. Christina Says:

    Wow, that’s crazy inventive! I love roasted peppers so I bet that pita tasted delicious! 🙂

  4. […] really well, especially topped with a mixture of yogurt and black bean dip. And on the side was a Devil Dawg patty and about twice the number of strawberries that made it onto the […]

  5. Marianne Says:

    I definitely need to try out this sietan thing, seeing as it looks so simple to make your own variety! They look pretty tasty 🙂

    And are those planters supposed to look like elephants? Because they totally do to me.

    • plentifulplants Says:

      I’m sure what they’re supposed to look like but they have always reminded me of elephants too. It helps that they’re almost a big as elephants!

  6. broccolihut Says:

    I’ve always wanted to make my own seitan sausages but thought it would be too difficult. Did you find it tedious or time consuming?

    • plentifulplants Says:

      It’s super simple to make seitan! The only slightly time consuming part is wrapping the sausages for steaming, and you technically don’t even have to do that, you’ll just end up with lumpy blob shapes instead. Peeling the roasted peppers also took a few minutes, but you could also just buy the jarred variety (or use different flavourings). From roasting the peppers to the beginning of steaming took me ~1/2 an hour, including taking pictures.

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