Plentiful Plants

Daily eats of a Torontonian student

Notice Recieved June 18, 2009


So apparently Mother Nature has been successfully notified that Sunday is the first day of summer…

That didn’t help this morning though, I left my window open last night, and as you can see, my room was rather chilly with I woke up this morning.  The solution, oatmeal.  I played copy-cat and used an almost empty jam jar as my food delivery vessel.  Into my tummy went oatmeal with banana, extra water and chia seeds, my mom’s homemade strawberry jam, and some awesome Maranatha creamy peanut butter.


Then for lunch I packed up a container of snap peas, red pepper, a little bit of carrot (hiding at the bottom) and lots of kabocha (to make up for not eating it yesterday, of course)


Plus for snacking I had a nectarine, a lychee (the other one was for the cubicle-mate), cherries and blueberries.


Then a surprise! Due to the aforementioned first day of summer coming up the building management for my office building had a free ice cream day! So despite having had a little ice cream action yesterday I went all out and enjoyed this treat. So good!


So it was no surprise that I wasn’t very hungry with I got home, but I figured I should get some protein in me so I cooked up the tofu I had started marinating in the morning along with some broccoli, instead of the full on stiryfry I had planned. The tofu was marinated in teriyaki sauce, pineapple, lemon juice, garlic and powdered ginger.  OMG it was good!  I usually eat tofu plain, not even cooked, but I might just had to include this marinating step a bit more often.


And I’m slightly annoyed that I completely forgot about So You Think You Can Dance last night, so there isn’t even a point to watching the results tonight. But it’ll show up online in a few days, I’m sure.


Hide the protein! June 16, 2009

I had something different for breakfast this morning.  When I made oatmeal this weekend I made extra and froze some.  This morning I took out one of those portions (oats and banana) and nuked it with extra water, chia seeds, PB2 and a few toffee sprinkles.  And along with it I had a Starbucks Fruit salad from the pile that had taken up residence in the fridge overnight, and a delicious giant lychee.


For snacking I brought to work with me a container of kabocha, two ways.  First as a sandwich with almond butter, and second cubed and drizzled with soy sauce.  Plus I brought a shitake mushroom because I had an empty space in the container, and I wanted to try one raw to see if I liked it.  I know I don’t like button/cremini mushrooms raw, but I thought I would give the shitake a try.  The verdict? Not so much.  But I did thoroughly enjoy those cherries for lunch dessert.


Lunch itself was a giant salad of romaine topped with carrot, red pepper, snap peas, and tofu marinated in soy sauce/sesame oil/apple cider vinegar.  I seem to be developing a thing for soy sauce…and am running out….must stock up!


When I got home I had a tasty medjool, straight up.


Then for dinner I got a bit creative.  My base was spinach flavoured shirataki noodles, steamed broccoli, and shitake mushrooms sauteed in a bit of olive oil.  Then I hid some protein in the sauce.  I blended a chunk of tofu with nutritional yeast, garlic powder, a splash of vinegar and water, salt and pepper.  And I was happy to discover it tastes really good, and actually cheesy!  But next time I either need to make a bigger batch, or use silken tofu, or both.  I made so little the sauce was flinging itself away from the blades and didn’t blend very smoothly.  So it doesn’t look very pretty, but it sure tasted good!



Bright Sunshine and Lemons April 17, 2009



That’s all I have to say.

Well not really, but it is beautiful outside 🙂

I started off my morning with a crunchy bowl of Nature’s Path Flaxplus Pumpkin Raisin Crunch cereal with unsweetened vanilla almond breeze. Could there be anymore raisins in a bowl? I love it.


I made a big salad for lunch. You should recognize the veggies by now, I’ve got a lot of them in the fridge, spinach, snow peas, carrot, cucumber, red pepper, and pork tenderloin. And for dressing I added a bit of water to an almost empty bottle of honey mustard to get the stuff stuck on the sides.


In the afternoon I snacked on honeydew melon and a ya pear. I was rather amused to see the sticker on the pear said “yali” where you would normal find the variety name. I wonder who made that decision, since just “ya” is the variety name, like bosc, or bartlett, and “li” means pear in chinese.


I also had a handful of almonds before heading home for the weekend.  The leftover smoothie from yesterday (kale, vanilla yogurt, orange juice concentrate)  I had as a morning snack.


For dinner tonight I fixed up my BSI: Lemon recipe! One of the things I love to use lots of lemon in is hummus, but plain old hummus seemed kinda borning for a BSI entry. I was considering more savoury oatmeal blended CCV style, but didn’t want the dish to be too goopy, I wanted a bit more texture. Then my eyes, which were looking at the assorted oat pile on the pantry shelf started to stray. They skipped over the rarely disturbed pasta boxes, and landed on a much more interesting grain, quinoa.

So may I present Lemony Hummus Style Blended Quinoa

The ingredients for 2 servings:

  • 1/2 cup quinoa, uncooked
  • juice and pulp from 1/2 lemon (or 2 TBSP lemon juice if you don’t want to surpreme the fruit)
  • zest from 1/2 lemon
  • 2 Tablespoons tahini
  • 6 cloves roasted garlic (remember, they get much milder after roasting)
  • salt to taste (I actually didn’t add any)


First I simply boiled the quinoa in water, then drained it.

While the quinoa cooked I zested and supremed the lemon. Mainly because I love supreming citrus, so much fun 🙂 And I roast garlic in big batches and keep the cloves in a jar in the fridge, but otherwise it would take 20-30 minutes in a 400 degree oven lightly wrapped in aluminum foil.

Then I threw everything in the pot with the quinoa and gave it a whirl with the immersion blender. And promptly ate a serving over a bed of spinach and grape tomatoes for dinner. Best salad topper ever, lucious lemon goodness. Simply delicious.  This definitely goes on my list of recipes to make again.  The only change I might make is to cut the amount of tahini in half if I’m not going to use it as a salad topper because it does turn out very creamy with a full 2 TB.  Must be the blending at work.



And for dessert my roomie spoiled me again (jealous yet?) by making oatmeal cookies.  That boy just has too much time on his hands now that it’s exam season.  And I might have had two.  So many treats this week, gah!


And hopefully by tomorrow I’ll have one final awesome treat, but this one will last a lot longer, and I’ll be spoiling the roomie for a change.  Stay tuned for that (I’m really hoping it works out).


I take it back April 7, 2009

I think Mother Nature decided to take my request for below zero weather a little too seriously. Definitely not spring-like today…


Before venturing out in the cold this morning I had an awesome yogurty breakfast. In the bowl is strained plain yogurt, hiding applesauce, the last of the ground flaxseed, and a serving of Stephano’s Bakery Deluxe granola (that I had to take out of Biz’s BSI prize to reduce the package weight a little). I’m loving the strained yogurt, I picked up an actual large strainer a couple of weeks ago so I can do a whole container of yogurt at once, instead of one serving at a time in my tea strainer. And a full 24 hour strain is so worth the wait.


For lunch I had a piece of baked basa fish along with a pile of carrot, red pepper, and cucumber. I’ve got a really good 5lb bag of carrots in the fridge, and they need to be eaten so they stop taking up so much space!


In the afternoon I snacked on some sweet kiwi and strawberries, and just before coming home I worked my way through the other half of the Nutty Banana Boom Probar. I like how each bite of the Probar has something different in it. And the grain sweetened dark chocolate chips are really good, they’re soft instead of hard. Has anyone seen this kind of chocolate for sale anywhere before? The ingredients of the chocolate chips are whole grain malted barley and corn, cocoa powder, soy lecithin, and pure natural vanilla.


For dinner I was inspired after seeing Vegan Dad’s post this morning and fixed up a wonderful mustard coated spread. I defrosted some frozen precooked baby potatoes in the microwave, then tossed them in a mix of stone ground mustard, whole grain dijon and soy milk along with some fresh asparagus. The potatoes and asparagus got a quick roast in the oven while I sauteed the last of my frozen shrimp in a pan with a little sesame oil and a few cloves of roasted garlic. I cleaned out the mustard bowl with chopped red and orange peppers and snow peas, then plated everything up and enjoyed 🙂



Testing new flavours… February 25, 2009


So I’m a student, I’m careful with my money, I’m lucky enough to be very comfortable financially with no student debt. I’m willing the spend on some things, but there are others I just won’t dole out my hard earned cash for, my mother taught me to be thrifty. When it comes to food, I generally don’t buy what I can easily make myself much less expensively (and sometimes more healthily too). So while I don’t mind paying for a nice jar of organic peanut butter (chosing the most reasonably priced one), I can’t justify the purchase of another entire jar just because it has some simple flavouring added to it….at least not on a regular basis, a girl ocassionally has to treat herself…. So instead, I draw inspiration from tempting looking products and try replicating those flavours myself.

This morning I applied this method to my oatmeal, and it worked out wonderfully. The inspiration was the Peanut Butter & Co. Cinnamon Raisin Peanut Butter. The mixed bowl is above and it included a small banana mashed into my premade steel cut oats cooked in water, and mixed with PB2 (that I’m not a fan of reconstitued into regular peanut butter, but love mixed into things for the flavour), lots of cinnamon, and a big handful of raisins (mixed in, and on top). Delish, and kept me full for almost 5 hours, must have been the extra protein in the PB2.


Lunch included a delightful mix of veggies and a huge dollop of homemade roasted garlic hummus. The veggies were the last of the mini bell peppers, steamed broccoli, and edamame. I love broccoli and hummus, the textures go so well together.


Afternoon snacking included a pink cara cara orange, an organic gala apple, and a Toasted Nuts ‘n Cranberry Luna bar. I usually don’t eat many bars, but the Luna and Clif ones were on sale last week for a dollar each so I got one of each flavour that was a available. This means that I now get to try a whole bunch of flavours I’ve never had before (and bought a couple flavours I already know I like). So the nuts and cranberry flavour is new to me, and may I say holy yum? First of all it smells amazing, like a gourmet marshmallow, I was eating it extra slowly and holding it up to my face just to be able to smell it for longer. Luckily, I was sitting at my desk doing so and no one could see me and think I was too weird. And second, I liked that it was more like a typical granola bar without a coating on the top/bottom. It could have used a few more nuts (or they needed more toasting), there wasn’t much of a nutty flavour to me, but the cranberries were really good, not too sour. I’ll definately include this flavour next time I stock up.


Dinner was another successful foray into the freezer, producing a wonderfully savoury meal.  On the left side is Europe’s Best Romanesco Concerto frozen veggie mix sauteed with shrimp, olive oil, garlic, and italian herbs.  On the right side is Europe’s Best frozen Baby Potatoes mixed with succotash.  Apparently not everybody knows what succotash is?  My roomie was thoroughly confused when I told him what I was making.  I made it the way my mom does, just corn, lima beans, a little butter, salt and pepper.  Wikipedia tells me you can add other veggies like tomatoes and peppers too and still call it succotash, and apparently, in Indiana, the lima beans are replaced with green beans.


Succotash is especially divine when the lima beans are fresh.  Unfortunately, mine are a bit freezer burnt, but it was still okay.  On the other hand, I’m not at all likely to buy those potatoes again.  I think I got them because they’re precooked so I could add them to a fast meal, and I don’t eat potatoes very frequently so if I ever buy one with no clear plan for its use, it ends up sprouting on the counter waiting to be used, a fate the frozen variety would avoid.  But these potatoes had that offputting soggy commercial frozen veggie texture about them that I don’t particularly enjoy.  I’ll probably hide the rest in some pureed soup…

So the right side of the plate was alright, but the left side was downright delicious.

